Saturday August 18: We spent around 3 hours in Cleveland yesterday and thought that it was a v

ery nice city, and that the people were really friendly.

Even though it is a landlocked city, the size of Lake Erie makes it feel like you are right on the ocean. After leaving Jodie "action" Jackson in Cleveland we drove another 2 hours to East Harbor State Park (still in Ohio) to camp along Lake Erie. It was a nice place, very clean and comfortable and had a path right along the lake (see pictures below). There was a specific section of the campground for pets, so Nika was sur

rounded by lots of dogs to keep her

busy. As always Nika was very popular, especially with all the kids at the campground. There were tons of RV's at this campground as well, and it's hard not to be a little jealous sometimes of the luxuries they have in those things. We left East Harbor around 11 am today to head to Madison, WI, and it turns out we were in for quite a long day. Leaving Ohio we first had to pass through Indiana and then Illinois before reaching

Wisconsin. We had thought of possibly trying to drive through a bit of Chicago just to see the city, b

ut as we got close it started to pour and there was a ton of traffic so we decided we'd better keep going. I did take some quality pictures of it as we drove past (pathetic I know) looks like a cool place so hopefully someday we can actually visit it. So after inching along in the traffic for a looong time we made a wrong turn (actually got onto the wrong freeway...) and that ended up costing us probably an hour or more in driving time. That was unfortunate, plus it started to absolutely pour again, so then we had to drive slower and that was frustrating. Anyway,

we finally made it to Madison and found a hotel to stay in (that allows Nika) and it has free wireless internet, which is why I am able to write this now. We were sooo happy to finally get here, and are very excited to sleep in a bed and have running water after 4 nights of camping. The other good news is that apparently we crossed a time zone somewhere so now it is one hour earlier, which will work in our favor for getting an extra hour of sleep. Ok that's all for now, tomorrow we are headed to Sioux Falls, SD, but we'll have to wait and see what the weather does to determine if we'll be camping or finding a hotel. Goodnight everyone!
1 comment:
Hi guys,
Ah the beauty of traveling the midwest. Gotta love it. Enjoy the bed and running water while you can as not sure SD has those luxuries...haha. Love you all. Mom (in Portland)
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