Wednesday August 29: This morning Madeline, Jeff, my dad and I walked over

to Pier 39 and Fishermans Wharf. We estimated that it's about two miles away from our hotel but the walk was tough because of all the crazy hills they have here! When we got there we all had chowder in sourdough bread bowls which was delicious, and then did some shopping at the stores in the

area. While we were walking we passed a guy that was selling tickets for a boat tour th

at cost only $10 each, and when he said that we could bring Nika on the boat with us we decided to do it. It was a really cool trip--it lasted about an hour and went under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz. It was really foggy near the bridge so we couldn't get any clear pictures of it (we will probably take more tomorrow), but the view of Alcatraz and of the city was awesome. Jeff and Nika and I sat at the front of the boat

which w

as nice for the most part, but on the way back to the dock the water was a little choppy and we got absolutely soaked. Nika was amazingly good throughout the tour considering she's never been on a boat, and she was really interested in the wind surfers that we kept passing. It was a little tricky getting her on and off the boat because you had to climb a ladder t

o do it, b

ut we managed to get her on and off without any problems (she was a little nervous though). After the tour Jeff, Madeline and I decided to take the cable car back to the hotel because we were wet and cold and dad walked Nika back. We were lucky because today was some sort of day promoting saving energy and so the public transportation was free, which

meant we saved $5 each going on the cable car. It was fun to go on it since i

t's a classic San Francisco activity, and it's really fun on the steep hills. This evening we went and had dinner in Chinatown (although we actually had sushi at a Japanese restaurant...) and now we are watching movies until bedtime. Tomorrow we have a lot

more sightseeing to do so I am going to head to bed to rest up!
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