Sunday August 26: Yesterday morning we ran our half marathon, which went really

well. Mostly we were just doing it to fit in a long run during our trip but we kept a pretty steady pace and both finished under 2 hours (Jeff a few minutes ahead of me) which I was really happy with. The race course was really nice, it started on a trail that went along a river and was really pretty, and then i

t went through fields (I think they were mostly potato fields?). It was definitely a nice change of pace from running in Boston, especially since it wasn't humid at all so it felt much cooler than Boston. After the race we rested a bit and then went to get our complimentary huckleberry shake that you get for participating, which were absolutely delicious (that was an important factor in deciding to do that race by the way haha). The picture of me above right is with my shake outside of City Drug, where you get the shakes. As I mentioned before, we were staying with a woman named Jean who is involved with the race and she was very nice

and hospitable, which made our visit and race much easier and more enjoyable, especially since Nika was welcome in her house. Mid aft

ernoon we left Ashton and went to Ogden, UT where we decided to stay in a Motel 6 because we were absolutely exhausted and it was getting kind of late to set up camp. This morning we drove into Salt Lake City and saw Temple Square and a few other sights and then continued south. I wanted to go to Manti, UT because that's where my grandmother (my mom's mom) was from and is where we spread her ashes after she died a few years ago. We stopped for a bit so I could say 'hi' to her, and then we headed back north so that we could be positi

oned well for our drive tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be driving straight through Nevada so that we can stay near Lake Tahoe, so tonight we wanted to camp somewhere near Salt Lake because then we can get right on I-80 in the morning. We had a couple of campsites in mind, all of which are in the Wasatch-Cache National Forest, but unfortunately the directions in the book we have were not very helpful. After driving back and forth past Salt Lake City 3 or 4 times, and then realizing that rain and thunderstorms are predicted for the whole night, we decided to go further west and stay in a hotel (another Super 8--luckily this one is only $3

5 so it's a

great deal.) On the way we passed all of the salt flats which were so interesting to see, it looked like snow everywhere. (The picture of Jeff is when we stopped to look at them up close.) So, we are now in Wendover, NV which will make our drive tomorrow even easier. I don't think we will have internet tomorrow night, but Tuesday morning we will leave Lake Tahoe and drive 3-4 hours to San Francisco to meet up with my dad and sisters!! So if we can't check in tomorrow, we definitely will when we get to California.
whoa!!! You ran 13 miles for a Hucklebery Shake?
Hi Jeff, Emily and Nika!! What a great blog. I finally got the address from the park last night so I've been catching up. My friends have a running joke about the corn glad you got to see it!! And, running 13 miles for anything short of $1 million is nuts!! Sounds like you're almost across the country. Dakota misses Nika...she only plays with Asia now at the park and ignores all the other dogs (that snooty bitch!) What a great cross country trip....glad you're enjoying it because you only get to do that once! Hope you'll keep the blog going after you arrive at your final destination so we can meet all of Nika's new dog friends and see where she gets to hang out! Drive safe! Gary & Dakota
Hi guys,
I think a good huckleberry shake is worth a run! Thanks for going to see mom. Hope Jeff liked the tiny town your Ohne was from. Roots I say!!! Can't wait to see you guys and you are almost here yoo hoo! Love you. Enjoy the rest of the journey am truly envious of the adventure you have had. Love, Mom (Portland variety0
Hi Em, did you also tell Jeff that Manti is where the Osmonds are from and one of our (many many) cousins married an Osmond? It's not just a little nowhere town with your grandmother's ashes beneath a lilac bush!
Emily!! You survived the half marathon :) wahoo... oh, and we are proud of you too, jeff ;-)
and p.s. i might be going to portland in october with my mom for a business trip. weird, eh? if it pans out, I will email you and see if both/either of you are free. talk soon!
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