Thursday August 16th: We left early (7 am) from Watkins Glen so that we

could visit Niagara Falls and still get to our campsite in PA early enough in the day. We didn't spend a whole lot of time at the falls because we wanted to keep moving, but we did walk around for a bit and get some nice pictures. It was really amazing to see up close just how big it is, and we wished we could go over to the Canadian side to see a different angle. After that we drove about 2 more hours to Girard, PA which is just past Erie. Our campsite was right along a

creek and it is known for its steelhead trout run in the fall. Unfortunately the run isn't for two mo

nths. I did catch a few small smallmouth bass and sunfish. Emily caught her first fish on the fly rod, which was outstanding! It was a little strange though because we were the only people at the campsite who weren't in an RV, and

one of few who don't live there at least part time. We left the campsite at 11 this morning (Friday) and drove 1 hour to Cleveland, OH where we are now sitting with Jodie (Action Jackson) at

an Au Bon Pain. Now we are off to f

ind a place to camp tonight, probably either along Lake Erie or in Indiana along Lake Michigan. Thank you everyone for all the comments, we'll check in again soon!
Hey guys,
Wow what great sights you guys are seeing! The friendly locals looked like my kind of peeps for sure! Nice fish Em what is that look "oh no what do I do now...touch it??" teasing sort of! Can't wait to see the next pics from this grand adventure you all are on! =) Love ya tons. Mom (in Portland)
Jeff and Emily,
Remember Emily, when telling the story of landing your first fish it should go something like "... after two hours of fighting the Leviathin, my strength exhausted and my hands stripped raw from the seemingly endless struggle to hold on to the rod, I resorted to one last shot of adrenilin and pulled the monster from his watery home!"
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